Service Packages


Discover your signature style with our 'Style Transformation' packages, where I'll personally curate a wardrobe that reflects your personality and leaves you feeling empowered.

The Event Package.

starting $850

Have a rebrand photoshoot or an engagement shoot? Or maybe an event, like a speaking engagement, conference or even a gala that you have no idea how to dress for?! The Event Package might be for you!

Kerilynn leaning against pink velvet chair next to clothing rack

The Premium Package.


Need a closet refresh? Starting a new job, or upleveling your business? Do you open your closet and think “I have nothing to wear"? Could be your body has changed in recent years and you have no idea how to dress it, or maybe you have been so busy taking care of others and your business that you let your wardrobe and style fall to the wayside and you need an injection of life into your wardrobe? Whatever your reason, we will work together to get you on track!

The VIP Package.

$3800 - 6 months

Need some VIP level of attention? You need someone to dive deep in the wardrobe and keep the ball rolling over multiple months so you can focus on your business and life? Maybe you have multiple speaking engagements, events or meetings coming up that you need to look your best for. Or you run a business that requires you to create educational videos and content weekly/monthly. Sounds like this package is for you!